A few months ago, ‘time out’ looked different.
A few months ago, time out was a weekend away, a summer holiday, a relaxing yoga trip, a Reconnect weekend.
A few months ago, time out was a feeling of inner calm, excitement and regeneration.
A few months ago, time out was taken for granted…..
‘Time out’ now is a limited time out in the open.
It’s a five-minute coffee in the morning on the balcony, listening to nature.
Time out now is a break from the news, a short shower, a glass of wine in the evening in the brief window between responsibility and sleep.
Time out now is the fleeting moment something distracts us from worrying about our health, our work, our tomorrow.
Time out now is simply taking a long, deep breath, and being grateful for what we still have in this moment.
In this moment we’re ok, time out or not.