Find Yourself

As you reconnect more intimately to yourself, little miracles start to happen. Life and business feels more effortless.

Self-Awareness vs Meditation

Self-Awareness vs Meditation

The best business decisions are made when we’re grounded here, not depleted from relentless mental speed fuelled by a constant sense of lack and fear.

How Is Your Self-Esteem?

How is your self-esteem?

If you want to know who you really are, at some point you’ll look around and see:

HAha! There’s an entire beach of sand around me! (and countless other beaches).

How Spontaneous Are You?


What if the point of life is NOT to be productive but to return to joy – our natural state – again and again and again?

Birds Flying High

Birds flying

At our reconnect weekend in February last year in Spain, we were in the middle of a group session when suddenly hundreds of birds flew directly past the window. We were high up, so at the same level as the birds were flying. We were speechless, no one there had seen anything quite like that […]

What if we could trade our own energy?

Trading our own energy

What if we could trade our own energy? Have you ever wondered how much your energy, when at the top of its game, could go for on the open market? Imagine if you were feeling on top of the world, with your energy level through the roof, but actually you were just off on holiday […]

Our songwriter within


Have you ever tried to write a song? If you haven’t yet, give it a try. There’s something very therapeutic about expressing yourself with not only words but music as well. Music can add a whole new meaning to words, meaning that you didn’t even realise was there. Start with a tune in your head […]

A space to Reconnect & Refuel, to start to make a lasting change in your life