Anxiety at Christmas

Trying to self-soothe and calm our nervous systems in food and drink is a tethered strategy.

A more loving approach to yourself and those around you is to TAKE CARE of yourself and listen to what you actually want over the Christmas period, as you do the rest of year

(and if you don’t, it’s a great time to ask yourself: Why not?!).

Anxious? Anxiety is your mate


You will do anything to get rid of anxious experiences. They are what you most fear.

Actually, I know this can sound irritating, but truly any anxiety you experience is your mate.

Pointing you back to yourself.

What is Anxiety?


Yes, there are physical threats. And there is intuition guiding you to move away from certain things and people.

But none of these can ultimately break or damage the conscious-energy that you are.

As we forget that early on in life, anxious reactions have become the norm for most of us. You forget who you really are.

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HAha! There’s an entire beach of sand around me! (and countless other beaches).

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