In Spanish there’s an expression: “La vida da muchas vueltas”. I’d translate that as “Life is full of surprises”. You never know what is going to happen or how something will turn out. That’s why, as much as we try to plan, predict, control and manipulate, life always has its own plans for us. Some … Read more

When Life Gives You a Good “Doing”

I thought my life was over. That I’d failed one too many times. As I pulled the covers up around my neck, my mind literally flew outside of my body. I couldn’t focus on any individual thoughts other than “what’s the point?” and feel sick from an overdose of reality. That night, I didn’t sleep. … Read more

Conversations with Apathy

The flip side of enthusiasm, passion and energy is apathy. Over the past couple of months I have experienced apathy on and off. If you don’t know what you are dealing with, this can be a scary experience. Especially if you are “the type of person” who is usually bounding around with limitless energy. The … Read more

Changing Your Circumstances Often Won’t Do It

Yesterday I sat by the turquoise sea and watched the clear waves fold over by the shore. The rhythmic woosh of the water filled my ears, along with chattering and playing.  It should have been an idyllic moment. It was for a few seconds – absolute bliss. Then, suddenly, a state of uneasiness came over … Read more

Beyond Loss

Two days ago I walked away from a flat that I have absolutely loved living in. As I left the keys in the hall and shut the door, it felt like losing my little refuge. Half an hour later I was rustling through some bags in my storage room, trying to find the remote control … Read more

Nothing That A Good Ole’ Conversation Can’t Cure

By a good ole’ conversation I mean a real one. Not small talk. Not trying to please. Not hiding yourself behind a false image. A real conversation is when you are totally present, feeling, and open to being modified. Control goes out the window. Time flies away too. You’re floating in the eternal now that … Read more

Why Do We Keep Fit?

Keeping Fit

Why do we keep fit? Is it because we’ve read about the benefits online? Is it because our doctor told us we should? Is it because our family and friends recommend us to do so? Is it because we want to achieve the “perfect” body or a 10km charity run? Whatever the reason, if you’re … Read more

The End of the End

What struck me here in Spain was that we became most desperate to “get out” of lockdown when we found out we’d be allowed out in a few days’ time. We’re frantic for an end. An end to lockdown, an end to the virus, an end to our more persistent monsters.  End is a human-invented … Read more

What Will Everybody Think?!

Everybody knows that the most beautiful people are more loved, successful people are constant waterfalls of money, and real women are thriving, working mothers. Everybody is the weapon I play with in low moments. Do you? What’s your Everybody like? I don’t care what other people think until I decide that Everybody will pity me … Read more

Objects Possessed by the Past

Crouched on the floor, I crumple up a piece of paper and toss it into the plastic sack. The cluttered room watches me, expectant. Perfume lingers in the air; I throw my head back as it seeps up my nose. My eyelids drop shut for a few seconds. I fall back onto the floor, legs … Read more