How Spontaneous Are You?

What if the point of life is NOT to be productive but to return to joy - our natural state - again and again and again?

When was the last time you did something “out of character“, spontaneous?

Without thinking about it. Because you wanted to.

Not because it felt “productive”, like the “right thing to do” or the thing you “always do”. 

As a recap: In this “Finding You” series, we’ve looked at ways we reconnect to ourselves: 

  • Creating some exploratory space (NOT pain-numbing / overthinking space).
  • Questioning what you believe to be reality. 
  • Starting to see through all the rules, “shoulds” and desire for approval (“safety”) that you’ve taken as a given and built your life around.

There‘s more to come!

But as you experience these first three, you may notice that you start to…

  • Feel more (No more shades of grey and passive-agressive “I’m fine”!).
  • Say “no” more and have more direct “difficult” conversations.
  • Be drawn to activities you love / ACTUALLY start to enjoy what you love, instead of worrying about being “productive”.
  • Surprise yourself (and others!) with your behaviour: “That’s unlike me!”
  • Reconnect to your body (Enjoying a more spacious body and self care).
  • Be in flow more. Living more from the heart and less from the intellect. More spontaneity! 
  • Experience more moments of connection to others and lose your tolerance for being up in your head (alone or when you’re interacting with others). 


This is not a linear process but if you notice that some of these are starting to happen for you: Yeah! Great signs.

Last week in our Friday Drop-In Session we spoke about joy:

What if the point of life is NOT to be productive but to return to joy – our natural state – again and again and again?

Everything that happens in your business and life is simply part of this really fun, spontaneous theater.

  • We seem to do so much better from joy and authenticity. 

Though, what does “better” even mean anyway?

It’s all up for grabs! Including, and above all, everything you think about yourself:

“I’m a failure”, “not as good as others”, “I have terrible self esteem”, “I’m working on my self confidence”, “I’ve lost my self respect” blah, blah etc etc. 

All of it. 




Discover more over the coming weeks in our Finding You series. Start reconnecting you to the YOU underneath all the noise.