What if we could trade our own energy?

What if we could trade our own energy? Have you ever wondered how much your energy, when at the top of its game, could go for on the open market? Imagine if you were feeling on top of the world, with your energy level through the roof, but actually you were just off on holiday […]
When Rights Ruin the Party

Nobody has the right to a beautiful sunset. It’s just part of this insanely precious world. How we speak about things is a reflection of the reality that we believe to be true. We feel that we have the “right” to something because of a reality that we have invented. I’m not saying we shouldn’t […]
Conversations with Apathy

The flip side of enthusiasm, passion and energy is apathy. Over the past couple of months I have experienced apathy on and off. If you don’t know what you are dealing with, this can be a scary experience. Especially if you are “the type of person” who is usually bounding around with limitless energy. The […]
Why Do We Keep Fit?

Why do we keep fit? Is it because we’ve read about the benefits online? Is it because our doctor told us we should? Is it because our family and friends recommend us to do so? Is it because we want to achieve the “perfect” body or a 10km charity run?
What Energy-Thieves Can’t Steal

Energy is synonymous to life. There are energy-thieves disguised as energy-givers. Exploring the nature of our human experience as we do in our reconnect conversations, has helped me to spot those. The number one thief is the idea that there is only ONE WAY to have greater energy levels. We are constantly sold the notion […]
How much do we move in a day?

How much do we move in a day? Our fitness trackers give us a pretty good idea. How much should we move in a day? Our minds have a pretty good idea, we just don’t always listen to them. Why is this? Why is it we are generally good at looking out for the needs of others, but […]