How Spontaneous Are You?

What if the point of life is NOT to be productive but to return to joy – our natural state – again and again and again?
Anger lurks behind people-pleasing rules

All that overthinking to maintain the rules actually keeps you tired and uncomfortably numb, and full of anger.
Do you really need personal development?

You know you need to slow down and reconnect to the YOU that kicks ass.
Our songwriter within

Have you ever tried to write a song? If you haven’t yet, give it a try. There’s something very therapeutic about expressing yourself with not only words but music as well. Music can add a whole new meaning to words, meaning that you didn’t even realise was there. Start with a tune in your head […]
But…Where Am I?

This reflection/poem is for those moments when you feel lost in the noise of life and you start to reconnect… On track with the plan, ticking off the list. Well done me. But where am I? What an uplifting story. It lifts me out of bed in the morning, makes my heart beat satisfyingly fast. […]
Nothing That A Good Ole’ Conversation Can’t Cure

By a good ole’ conversation I mean a real one. Not small talk. Not trying to please. Not hiding yourself behind a false image. A real conversation is when you are totally present, feeling, and open to being modified. Control goes out the window. Time flies away too. You’re floating in the eternal now that […]
The Magnificence Of Music

Music makes us happyIt can also make us sadAs it conjures up old feelingsThat we wish we’d never had Music gives us powerIt can also calm us downAs we look to lose the stressesOf the things that made us frown Music makes us moveIt can also make us stopAnd listen to the sweetest notesFrom the […]
What Energy-Thieves Can’t Steal

Energy is synonymous to life. There are energy-thieves disguised as energy-givers. Exploring the nature of our human experience as we do in our reconnect conversations, has helped me to spot those. The number one thief is the idea that there is only ONE WAY to have greater energy levels. We are constantly sold the notion […]